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Syrian Venus (Real artifact by FlashVR):
Tell Seker al-Aheimar,the Upper Khabur, Syria This is a female figurine that was excavated in 2004 by Prof.Yoshihiro Nishiaki's team of The University Museum, The University of Tokyo at Tell Seker al-Aheimar,the Upper Khabur, Syria. On this seated female statue can be found a quite realistic bi-chrome painting decoration and it is said that this kind of large (ca. 14.2 cm high) and highly elaborate artistry have no parallels for this kind of clay figurines of this period(7,000 B.C ~ 9000 B.C).

This figurine had been deposited at the University of Tokyo for a while after the excavation for restoration and research. This Flash movie was shot and created during that period, but now at the present, this figure is sitting somewhere in Syria under fire. We hope it would be safe.

Nishiaki, Y. (2007) A unique Neolithic female figurine from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Northeast Syria. Paléorient 33(2): 117-125.

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